Friday, May 10, 2013

Bill Richardson Single Member District One's response to The San Angelo Fire Fighters Association's questionnaire.

Bill Richardson

San Angelo City Council Candidate

Single Member District One's  response to The San Angelo Fire Fighters Association's questionnaire. They do not "sit down and talk to the candidates."



1) Moved to San Angelo in February 1995. I had taken a severance package and early retirement from my job with the Alberta provincial government. My wife, and RN with a Bachelor of Science Degree was looking for a full time job. Shannon Medical Center was in Edmonton Alberta recruiting nurses. We decided to try San Angelo for two years. We stayed and have been here for eighteen years.


 Retired Cartographic Technologist from the Alberta Government where I worked with, Climatologists, Foresters, Biologists, Planners, Computer Programmers & Analysts, and GIS staff. Planned and saw large $ projects to completion. Coordinated government to private sector contracts. Understand   the strategic planning process & how government works.


Studied Municipal Planning, Road, Canal & Dam Construction, Graphic Arts, Computer Programming, Topographic and Planimetric  Mapping and more at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.


Studied Architectural/Mechanical Drafting & Design and Electrical Technology at the college level.


58 years mature, married with one son. Choose to live in San Angelo [Texas.] Lived here for 18 years and have stake in the community. I became an American Citizen in 2006.


2) I want to run for city council because I feel the practical needs (infrastructure, streets, water use of taxes and user fees)  of the community have been ignored.  I am concerned about public safety and security (police and fire facilities, equipment and training) I have lived here for eighteen years.  I have property here. My son grew up in San Angelo. I have a state in the community.


3) Maintain Core Services such as: public safety, streets and bridges, water resources, water and sewer, etc.


Encourage and investigate new ideas such as the Street Maintenance Sales Tax. Controlling the Red Arroyo flooding to use the water as city a water source.  As proposed by the Upper Colorado River Authority.

Work to upgrade Fire and Police Department facilities and equipment. Increase employee benefits and incentives. Security for city employees.


Work to  upgrade, repair and maintain streets on a priority basis.


Work to support downtown San Angelo Revitalization with a no frills approach.


Hold the line on property taxes & user fees.


Work to use the new revenue generated by the Cline-Shale oil boon to pay for facilities & infrastructure maintenance, repair


4) I was not aware the San Angelo Fire Fighters Association had a political action committee nor that their where so many problems front line fire department face each day. The struggle for proper equipment, the  safe number of personnel deployed in day to day operations.  Getting the fire chief and city government to listen to and act on your concerns.


5) I believe strong, rational and informed leadership is essential to lead city government and each city department.


6) I worked for the Alberta provincial government for about 20 years. As a condition of employment I became a member of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees. Since the "union" had no right to strike it function as an association. During my time I was the Chairperson of a local chapter responsible for about 300 members. I also served as the secretary of the local for six years. The local was made up of 12 chapters with a total of about 3000 members. I was a union steward for approximately 17 years. I oversaw the chapter meetings and as a member of the local executive  I was involved in negotiations, political oversight and attending conventions. I am well aware of the benefits and shortfalls of civil service associations.


7) As for appointed vs. elected chiefs? In either case the individual should have the education and experience to qualify for the job. Electing a police chief gives me the opportunity to voice my opinion on the candidate's qualifications and to vote yes or no.


8) I believe it is necessary to provide pay and benefits equal to or above the levels offered by comparable cities in order to attract and keep qualified employees.


9) I am hesitant to accept help or money from a civil service association because I believe the executive committee of the association my support political candidates not supported by all of the association's membership.


10) I feel my strengths are my awareness of the issues facing our city, I am thorough and a hard worker. I have the desire and ability to encourage citizens and employees to put forward ideas to solve our problems.