Sunday, April 28, 2013

Can You Believe This Guy? "Rodney Fleming," Sponserd by the San Angelo Fire Fighter's Association, San Angelo City Employees

Yea! Rodney Fleming,  just spam us and we will all vote for you. No need for you to talk to us.
Mr. Flemming spammed SMD1 with this arrogant, thoughtless and impersonal mass mail out late last week. No one was impressed. Voters where turned off by it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Political Action by the San Angelo Fire Fighters' Association

"Political Action Works for San Angelo Local 886

May 26, 2006 – San Angelo, TX Local 886 is celebrating the success of its political action efforts both of the city council members it endorsed were elected on May 13. Local 886 formed its first Political Action Committee (PAC) in September 2005, and campaigned for candidates John Fields Jr. and Jon Hogg – both of whom won by a landslide.

Fields won the District 1 seat with 69.6 percent of the vote over his opponents – Debbie Albert and Thomas Madron. Hogg won the District 5 seat with 83.7 percent of the vote over his opponent Sonny Shapiro.

"This is a particularly important victory because San Angelo Local 886 does not have collective bargaining," says IAFF 11th District Vice President Sandy McGhee. Members wanted to change the political environment in San Angelo and the local sent Treasurer Bubba Barnett to a political action seminar in Richardson, Texas, with IAFF District Field Service Representative (DFSR) Joe Tellez.

"They took what they learned and applied it to their advantage," says McGhee. "I applaud their efforts for a job well done."

In 1997, a pay referendum was passed in San Angelo stipulating that fire fighters would be guaranteed comparable pay to surrounding cities of similar size. However, in 2005, the city council maintained it did not need to keep the promises of the old council and would only keep up with the pay if the city had the money.

"That was the impetus that got us thinking about political action," says Donald White, president of Local 886. "We couldn’t stand by and let the council go back on its word.

Both Fields and Hogg supported one of Local 886’s biggest issues – the need to hire additional fire fighters. The candidates also supported the fire fighters’ pay issue to prevent losing quality fire fighters to other departments that pay more.

"We’ve heard for years how important political action is," White says. "Now, we know it is true. The hope is that we can continue with this positive momentum."

In SMD1 the May 11, 2013 election the San Angelo Fire Fighter’s Association is supporting Rodney Fleming

In SMD5 ehe May 11, 2013 election the San Angelo Fire Fighter’s Association is supporting David McBride



Monday, April 1, 2013

Bill Richardson for San Angelo City Council Single Member District one

Bill Richardson
for SMD1
Vote May 11, 2013.
New Ideas!
Involving Everyone!
Maintain Core Services such as: public safety, streets and bridges, water resources, water and sewer, etc.

Encourage and investigate new ideas such as the Street Maintenance Sales Tax. Controlling the Red Arroyo flooding to use the water as a city water source as proposed by the Upper Colorado River Authority.

Propose the deepening of Lake Nasworthy to hold a larger amount of water.

Opposing "blending" untreated water from the Hickory Aquifer into our reservoirs and rivers.

Work to upgrade Fire and Police Department facilities and equipment. Increase employee benefits and incentives. Security for city employees.

Oppose the involvement of the San Angelo Fire Fighters Association donating money and material to San Angelo City Council Candidates.

Work to upgrade, repair and maintain streets on a priority basis.

Support south side development. Oppose concentration on only one area. (downtown.)


Work to combine old fire training site with Glenmore Park for parking & safer entrance to the park.

Work to support fine arts and community recreational facilities.

Establish an annual multicultural outdoor festival promoting foods, dress, customs and art from individual Native American, Black American, Mid-Eastern, European, Mexican, Central/South American and Asian cultures.

Work to foster and build communication and respect between San Angelo City Council and Citizens. We need to be pragmatic, not grandiose.

I want all areas of the city and all citizens to be treated equally by San Angelo City Government. I have an open door policy with no obligations to big business or the real estate business.


Retired Cartographic Technologist from the Alberta Government where I worked with, Climatologists, Foresters, Biologists, Planners, Computer Programmers & Analysts, and GIS staff. Planned and saw large $ projects to completion. Coordinated government to private sector contracts. Understand the strategic planning process & how government works.

Studied Municipal Planning, Road, Canal & Dam Construction, Graphic Arts, Computer Programming, Topographic and Planimetric Mapping and more at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Studied Architectural/Mechanical Drafting & Design and Electrical Technology at the college level.

58 years mature, married with one son. Choose to live in San Angelo [Texas.] Lived here for 18 years and have stake in the community. I became an American Citizen in 2006.

Phone 325-227-2958